The Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization of business and professional men and women who have joined together to promote the civic and commercial progress of our community.
We look forward to welcoming you and your business as an active member of the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce. Our members are very important to us. After all, if it weren’t for our members, we wouldn’t exist. We are constantly entertaining new ideas to improve your benefits as a Chamber member. Please let us know if you have any ideas.
EXPOSURE: Listing and linking on the Chamber’s website. Each Chamber member is listed on our website, along with: an address, phone/fax numbers, email, and a link to your business website (if applicable).
PROMOTION & MARKETING of your business year-round through the efforts of the Chamber – whether in print, online, or on the phone – we’re always working to refer you to new business. Chamber is always looking for new ideas to support your business.
SPECIAL PROGRAMS The Chamber can be your voice in matters involving the community and your business – Industrial Development, Strategic Planning, and Great Northwest Day at the Capitol – just to name a few. We are always looking for more ways to benefit our members.
NETWORKING via our annual meeting, lunch and learns, morning coffees, special events, ribbon cuttings, and special recognition ceremonies. Meet and greet other business owners in our community; grow your business connections through the Chamber of Commerce.
Membership dues are invoiced at the beginning of December each year. If you’re just joining our Chamber, please fill out the form below and submit it to us. Thank you for supporting your local Chamber of Commerce!
Our annual fee structure is as follows: