Join Our Chamber

Thank you for being so interested in joining our Chamber. 

Please download and fill out the application below to apply for Chamber membership. Amounts listed under ‘Number of Employees’ are annual investment amounts.  For any questions please get in touch with Kayla Graham, Executive Director at the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce  660-359-4324.

We are very excited that you are interested in joining the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce. We will help your business grow to the best of our ability! Welcome!

Business Membership - 1 to 4 employees - $225.00

Business Membership - 5 to 10 employees - $275.00

Business Membership - 11 to 20 employees - $400.00

Business Membership - 21 to 99 employees - $925.00

Business Membership - 100+ employees - $1375.00

Individual Membership - $125.00

This can also include organizations with no employees