REFUND POLICY: In the event of cancellation, vendors will be refunded, in the form of a check, 50% of the amount paid. There are absolutely no refunds after September 1, 2025. Event is held RAIN OR SHINE.
EXCLUSIVES ON BOOTHS: There are no exclusives on booths (i.e. , one kettle corn, one barbeque, etc.). However, we do try to limit the number of vendors who sell particular items to three (i.e. , we allow three kettle corn vendors and spread them out on the fairgrounds). In order to continue in this manner, it is important for vendors to inform us (via application) of the items you are selling. Applications are subject to approval by the Executive Director of the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce or the Chairperson of the Missouri Day Committee.
FOOD VENDORS: Please note that our space is limited to approximately 17 food vendors. Once we reach that number, we will accept applications & place you on a waiting list. We start receiving applications for the festival a year in advance. You are required to include a menu of the items you sell as well as your electrical needs. Applications are subject to approval by the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director or the Chairperson of the Missouri Day Committee.
FAMILY FRIENDLY: This is a family-friendly event. Please make sure the items you sell and display at your booth are ‘G’ rated. We will not allow the sale or display of any vulgar, cursing, pornographic, derogatory, or demeaning merchandise, sign, banner, or flag. If we feel you are selling or displaying something inappropriate, you will be asked to put the item(s) away. If you do not comply, you will be asked to leave without a refund and will not be allowed to return to the festival the following year.
FIREARMS are NOT permitted to be sold on the fairgrounds. Please do not bring them with you. Swords and knives must be out of reach of any patrons for display and are to be secured either in a box or taped when they leave your booth.
SECURITY: Security will be provided from 9pm to 6am on Friday night of the festival.
FESTIVAL HOURS: (subject to change) Vendors can set up al l day Thursday and until 9 am Friday.
VENDORS OPEN FOR BUSINESS: FRIDAY 10am - 7pm and SATURDAY 9am to 7pm. Vendors WILL NOT be permitted to bring their vehicles into the fairgrounds for tear-down prior to 7pm on Saturday. This will be strictly enforced. The safety of everyone comes first, as well as consideration for other vendors sti l l sel l ing. If you cannot abide by these regulations, please pass your application to another potential vendor.
RESERVATIONS: Current year vendors are given the full weekend of the festival to reserve the same booth for the following year. As of the Monday, immediately following the festival, booths not reserved are open to the public. Be sure to double-check the fees on your application as we reserve the right to change booth fees without advance notice. Please call us at 660-359- 4324 or contact us with any questions. Confirmation of space will be mailed to you at the beginning of October.
CAMPING: Please note: we DO NOT operate a campground. The festival grounds are not set up as campsites. However, flea market vendors have the option to camp within their booth space & use the electricity provided for their booth ONLY. Please contact the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce office for questions regarding available campsites nearby.
PARKING: Vendor parking is located along the ball field fences on both the North and South sides of the festival grounds. Do not park in the disabled parking spaces around the grounds. If vendor vehicles are improperly parked, they will be asked to move and may be subject to towing along with all associated fees. Flea market vendors may park within their booth area, but will NOT be allowed to move vehicles during festival hours.
INFO SHARING: Some organizations contact us to request a list of craft vendors who may be interested in participating in their fair or festival. Please indicate in your application whether or not you would like your information shared with other organizations and/or festival attendees.
ENFORCEMENT: The Chamber Executive Director and Mo Day Chairperson will be patrolling the grounds periodically throughout the festival to monitor displays, merchandise, approaches, and behavior of both vendors and patrons. In addition to this, there will be 1-2 members from the Chamber Board and/or Ambassador Board also patrolling the grounds periodically. If a vendor or patron has an issue with any part of the festival, they may file a complaint at the Welcome booth with an attendant and it will l be investigated by the Chamber Executive Director. If any vendor or patron is found to be out of compliance with any rules set out by the vendor contract, that vendor will l be asked to remove, change, or put away any items not meeting standards, or otherwise remedy the situation. This request will l be made by any one of the individuals mentioned above and a note wil l be documented by the Chamber Executive Director. If these requests are not met, the offender will be asked to leave the festival premises. If they are a vendor, they will l not receive a refund for festival fees and they will not be allowed to return to the festival the following year.